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Saturday 15 August 2015

You Probably Didn't Know Your iPhone Could Do This

It's a game-changer for people with small hands.
Are your hands too small to comfortably use your iPhone
6 or 6 Plus? You're not alone , and you probably didn't
realize that Apple created a built-in solution to your
If you need to reach the top of your screen with one
hand (which is almost impossible with small hands) all
you have to do is double-tap the home button. That's
double- tap , not double- click. Double-tapping brings
whatever screen you're on down a few inches, making it
easier to tap something at the top of the screen. It even
works for your home screen.
(A note about this: You don't actually press down on
the home button when you're double-tapping -- you're
just lightly touching the button. But you do press it
down when you're double-clicking.)
Here's what it looks like:
This feature has existed since 2014 , but we're bringing it
up now because we realized that most people may not
know the tool's function.
An informal poll of friends and colleagues revealed that
some of the most devoted iPhone users hadn't used the
iPhone's "reachability" feature. I, for example, knew that
when I ever accidentally double-tapped the button, the
screen would move, but I never knew why. Now that I
know, I'm obsessed and I think you will be too.

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