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Tuesday 11 August 2015

One anecdote shows how working for Steve Jobs could be an absolute nightmare

Late Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was a brilliant person…
but he was also, by many accounts, a total nightmare to
have as a boxx. If you want to get a sense of just how
obnoxious Jobs could be to employees, consider the
following anecdote shared by The New York Times’ Nick
Bilton in which Jobs dressed down a waitress for failing
to bring him the perfect glass of orange juice.
It all started out when Bilton and a friend met Jobs at a
Four Seasons hotel in San Francisco and Jobs ordered a
glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
“After a few minutes, the waitress returned with a large
glass of juice. Mr. Jobs took a tiny sip and told her
tersely that the drink was not freshly squeezed. He sent
the beverage back, demanding another,” Bilton explains.
“A few minutes later, the waitress returned with another
large glass of juice, this time freshly squeezed. When he
took a sip he told her in an aggressive tone that the
drink had pulp along the top. He sent that one back,
When Bilton’s friend asked Jobs why he was being such
a jerk (and make no mistake, this is truly obnoxious
behavior), Jobs replied that “if the woman had chosen
waitressing as her vocation, ‘then she should be the
Jobs treated the waitress like this even though she
wasn’t on his payroll and even though being a waitress
may not have been the dream job that she’d chosen to
do. Now just imagine the amount of pressure that Jobs
put on people who were on his payroll and who did see
working for Apple as their dream careers and you can
see how working for him could be rather unpleasant at

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